Dr. Sujata Chougule
3 min readOct 30, 2021

WHEN YOU GO HOME TELL YOUR FAMILY- “we sacrifice our present for your future”.

After passing Zojila pass from Srinagar , We are curious to visit the Kargil Victory Monument! But along the way, Sonmarg was welcoming us with his natural beauty.

Sonmarg is a beautiful part of Kashmir, which is adorned with white mountains. The blue sky and high mountains like creating photo frame at every moment. There are a lot of places to see in Sonmarg but since Leh is our main tourist destination, we could not spend much time in this area.

It has a breathtaking view of — the serpentine high curvy roads …. high mountains, lush green forests, small villages nestled in the middle and the river Indus flowing through it. Sonmarg “the medow of gold”. Some of the mountain peaks are covered with snow while you can old glaciers on the way. Herds of domestic horses and white sheep can be found everywhere!

Our first day of ride was memorable because of Kargil and Sonmarg added beauty in this journey.

Kargil means The war of 1999, and the victory of Indian army! Kargil is a part of Ladakh and is surrounded by a variety of mountain ranges. The discovery of the different mountain colors can be seen every corner. You can witness Mountain colors like white, maroon, red, green!

The most interesting thing to see while visiting Kargil is the “Kargil Monument”!

When we go there, all that comes to mind is respect, pride and proud to be Indian. Religion, color, status all seem secondary. Words are insufficient there. There are stories of heroic deeds written on a big rocks and when you read them, you are accompanied by tears in your eyes and goosebumps!

We reached this place at sunset. Dras is a nearby village of Kargil. The second coldest inhabited place in the world ”. A small picturesque village surrounded by small shrubs. The structure of this village is very beautiful. Small mud houses, streams of pure water flowing near the house and houseplants.

Our road passed through this beautiful area along the river and towards the city of Kargil. The city of Kargil is situated on the Suru river. Our hotel was close to the river so we could hear the sound of water in the stillness of the night. Kargil is known as one of the largest cities in the ladakh region.

The next day we set out for Leh. For me, the journey from Kargil to Leh was a glimpse of the land of lama.



Dr. Sujata Chougule

Hi, I am homeopathy consultant, yoga instructor and health blogger. I like to share my thoughts and encourage people for better mental and physical wellbeing.