Dr. Sujata Chougule
4 min readDec 10, 2021


In recent years, we are facing drastic weather changes in every region of the world along with COVID-19 pandemic. This is adversely affecting our social health also. In India, some regions are facing health issues like malaria, dengue or chikungunya. Drastic and frequent weather changes are causative factors for these diseases.

Human body reacts to every change of the environment. Our body reacts to external stimuli at emotional, physical, and mental levels. Most of the time when weather changes from cold to summer or vice versa, we all can feel or observe changes in our body.

Some Common Health Issues Of Weather Changes-

  • Allergic cold, coryza.
  • Sneezing and sniffling in the morning.
  • Dry cough with or without wheezes.
  • Migraine, headaches.
  • Dry skin with itching.
  • Dandruff increased.
  • Itching all over the body.
  • Dryness, cracks at sole.

In the Ayurvedic health system, it describes how we should change our daily routine including diet, exercises according to weather. But to stay healthy in frequent weather changes is a challenge for everyone. If we follow some simple lifestyle modification, we can keep ourselves healthy or strong for these changes:

1. IMMUNITY: Immunity plays a vital role to make our body strong for such changes. Regular exercise, healthy nutritious eating habits are key to boost our immunity. Include proper amounts of proteins, vitamins in your diet which makes your immunity stronger.

2. HOT WATER/ HERBAL TEA: Drink hot water or herbal tea in cold winter weather. It helps the digestion process. So, we can avoid stomach upset, abdominal pain, and cramps problems. One study about the effects of hot water on our body proves that, ‘ warm water improves growth of gut bacteria and reduces chances of diarrhea during winter.’

3. MASSAGE: When you do regular body massage with plant-based oils like coconut, castor or almond; it keeps your skin, hair and scalp healthy. You can avoid dryness of skin and dandruff of hair. It also slows down your aging process.

4. YOGA, PRANAYAMA/ EXERCISES: Everyday practice of yoga and pranayama keep your body healthy.

Most of the time during weather changes, we suffer from coryza, throat pain, cough, or asthmatic wheezing. When you practice pranayama daily, it not only increases your lung capacity but also you can avoid respiratory symptoms. There are some yogic prakriya like jalniti, vaman (forced vomiting kriya) which clean your nasal route and gastric elementary system respectively.

According to Ayurveda, in cold weather light exercise is good for health. Cold weather enhances metabolism therefore light exercises are also enough to keep you healthy. On the contrary, to increase metabolism rate, you should do hard core exercises in summer. Cardiac exercises in summer boost metabolism rate and help you to burn more calories. Change your exercise routine according to the weather.

Winter is the perfect season to start your weight loss goal!

5. MAINTAIN BODY TEMPERATURE: Keep yourself warm and avoid direct exposure to cold weather. Or during the summer season, do not go out without covering your head with a hat or scarf.

Extreme heat of the sun can damage your hair tissue or be harmful for the scalp also. Which may cause hair loss, damage of hair. For bathing also use lukewarm water to wash your head.

If you are exposed to extreme weather changes, it directly impacts your health in a bad way like you may feel dizziness, headache, nauseate. Therefore, always maintain your body temperature according to the weather of your region.

6. HOMEOPATHY MEDICINE: Homeopath offers great help to fight with weather changes. There are some medicines like Arsenic album, Nux vomica, Pulsatila, Gelsemium, Nat-carb which will help you to remain healthy in different conditions.

Whenever you know there will be changes in weather, take Arsenic alb 30, 2 globules every night for 3 days. If you think hot weather will affect you , take Natrum Carb 30.

Before taking any medication consult a homeopathy practitioner because he can treat you properly. I will write my next blog on Weather Medicine of Homeopathy.

7. DIET: Always eat a healthy nutritious diet. Diet and exercise are integral parts of the immunity system. Change your diet according to weather conditions.

Drink hot warm soups in winter and drink fruit juices, coconut water in summer. Likewise eat seasonal fruit at respective seasons. Do not overeat or eat less. You should understand what and how much your body requires? Try to eat fresh and hot food. Avoid frozen food. Enjoy pastries, street food occasionally and in limited quantities.

These are some effective simple ways we can follow to remain healthy.

In this cold winter, I hope you keep yourself warm and healthy.



Dr. Sujata Chougule

Hi, I am homeopathy consultant, yoga instructor and health blogger. I like to share my thoughts and encourage people for better mental and physical wellbeing.