KARGIL TO LEH- Lama region

Dr. Sujata Chougule
3 min readNov 5, 2021

There are 2 passes from Kargil to Leh; Photo La Pass is at 13478 ft and another Namika La Pass which is at 12139 ft. The road is curvy. As you go uphills, the unique world of mountain ranges begins to appear below. Mountains covered with large stones of different colors.

This journey starts with Buddha Temple, it is called BUDHA MONASTERY. These temples and monasteries are built on top of the hill.

Mulbekh Monastery- First monastery on the way

There are 2 caves, one provides information about the monastery gurus and second one reserve for meditation prayer. Outside and inside of temple there is a standing statue of Buddha. This idol is called Maitreya Buddha; which they believe, “He will come in the future.” Every Buddha temple has a wonderful peace and serenity. There is no mess anywhere.

This is the same place where you can see big rocks and formation of human faces in these stones. As we start our journey we notice small villages situated on high ridges. It is really surprises me when I see most of people and students use paved mountain paths for their daily work. Since it was morning, a lot of students were seen coming down the hill, waiting for the bus.

On the road you can see a lot of small stupas painted in white. It really feels like we come to lamas country. Another monastery was visible from a distance; white and red colored 2–3 storey buildings and the Lamayuru or Yuru Monastery located in it! Paintings and decorated walls and books of old Buddha Puranas are found in this monastery. The temple has 2 parts. The main temple is a cave which was used by the main guru for meditation and study in the old days. Outside the cave is a large room decorated with various Buddha statues and books.

From here we set off for Leh. There was a beautiful road on the way, a road cut through big hills, from which I am afraid that these mountains will come to my body while driving. This is where I first enjoyed driving an access bike. Because the rest of the time I used to sit behind Piyush and enjoying the nature around me.

We entered Leh at sunset time. On the way, I could see the army camp. Leh is a different world combination of The unique culture , the mountain ranges and the surrounding valleys.



Dr. Sujata Chougule

Hi, I am homeopathy consultant, yoga instructor and health blogger. I like to share my thoughts and encourage people for better mental and physical wellbeing.